September 13, 2017 MAsT: Hampton Roads Meeting, Newport News, VA (by Master Wes) At first it seemed like a normal MAsT meeting, but when Master Wes asked that everyone who had been asked to participate in the mysterious ceremony to come forward, slave terry thought that she had a simple paragraph to read as a part of honoring one of her sisters. Her first clue was when Master Robert began reading a biography, and she realized that it was hers! Many of her friends and chosen family had gathered to honor and thank her for her service. Speaking for here were slave into, slave becca, slave megan, slave zapper, and on behalf of the Master's of the household and community, Sr. Master David of Joyous Reach.
After these, Master Wes took the stage, praising slave terry for her service to him, the family, tribe, and community. He began by speaking about traditions, and how we can and should establish our own traditions, noting that it is appropriate to recognize the history of our traditions, but we needed to be careful to not create a false mythology, rather we should claim these traditions for what they are, our history. He then presented her with an earned piece of leather, a cap that was passed down by a dear friend mentor, and confidant. In the ceremony (where he actually managed to surprise her, no mean feat, just ask any Master) he said:
This is not the cover of one who leads the parade or stands at the front of the formation in review. It is the cap worn by the person who is in the trenches doing the work, the one who sets up the stands and cleans up after the parade. It is simple and unadorned with no straps or buckles, devoid of decoration or insignia. Yet in that simplicity lies its elegance and strength, the beauty of an item pared down to exactly what it needs to be, nothing more, nothing less.
Slave terry, you are my rock, my refuge, my point of reference. To steal a phrase, "In an ever-changing world you are my single point of consistency. If my life were expressed as a function on a four-dimensional Cartesian coordinate system, you would be (0,0,0,0)."1 You inspire me every day, I simply do not have the vocabulary to adequately express just how much you mean to me. Whatever success I have know, what ever accolades I have received are as much yours as they are mine, because without your support and love I would just be another face in the crowd.
I love you, and I'm proud of you, and I want the world to know. We often overlook those who serve when passing out recognition, by giving you this cap, which you have earned over and over, I hope to let the world know that I noticed, and that I appreciate all that you are, and all that you give.
1 Sheldon Cooper, The Big Bang Theory, Season 2 Episode 16 "The Cushion Saturation"
May 11, 2012 Carter/Johnson Leather Library Beltsville, MD (by slave celia) Amidst shelves bowing with the weight of well-loved and carefully cared for tomes, and
tables covered in the well placed chaos of knowledge for a few record-breaking moments the Leather Library was silent as the Holding at Joyous Reach was about to begin a ceremony. The Holding at
Joyous Reach's High Lord, Sr. Master Wes, broke the hush.
Senior slave terry was called forward and bestowed upon her was the title of Seneschal. She was presented with the symbol of her office, a jeweled key in the Holding colors of black and silver.
Junior Master Songoku and junior slave lalita were then called front. They would no longer be known as apprentices and would henceforth be recognized as Journeymen. Master Songoku was then named the
Holding’s Chirurgeon and slave lalita as the Holding’s Mistress of Apprentices. Slave Celia was then called forward and was welcomed into the Holding at Joyous Reach as a new apprentice. Finally, the
Holding at Joyous Reach's class of Mentees, Daddy Wes, Miss Chikara, Miss Kristin, and Sir Tim were presented with journals by Master Wes as a gift of knowledge and love from the Holding.
At this point, Master Songoku called slave lalita forward and bestowed on her the title of Seneschal of House Imhotep, and presented her with the symbol of her office, a jeweled key in the Household
colors of black, emerald, and brass.
The Holding at Joyous Reach and House Imhotep thanks those who joined the ceremony and shared our joy and congratulations to our newly inducted and elevated members.
April 26, 2012 Virginia Beach, Virginia. In a small ceremony at the MAsT Hampton Roads Chapter's Master's and slave's Circles slave lalita was accepted into full service and granted the title and
office of Seneschal. In the ceremony, Master Songoku, a Junior Master in Joyous Reach publicly proclaimed:
On the 24th day of April, 2012, slave lalita has completed one year of
consideration as a postulate in House Imhotep. In this year of trial and
test she has exceeded all requirements and expectations given to her.
In light of her Complete Obedience, Unwavering Loyalty, and Excellence
in Service to her Master, His Household, and the Community; I hereby
grant her the office of Seneschal of House Imhotep.
He continued, listing the duties and privileges of the office, and shared some of her many accomplishments including: